Monday, November 4, 2013

First tentative steps

Our first "real" outing was to Wunderlich Park in Woodside when H was just over 5 weeks old.  Dave carried H and we rocked a 5 mile loop with a little elevation gain.  Pretty exciting.  It's amazing what being out in the woods can do for the spirit. 

Several Dish hikes followed at the local paved hilly loop, and then we felt ready for a proper challenge.  Dave figured out a hotel reservation near Lassen National Park, and we took H up to see her first national park.  It was quite chilly, but we managed a short (3 mile) hike to Bumpass Hell (though H and I steered clear of most of the sulfur fumes). Our little pumpkin did quite well with the trip - didn't seem to mind the elevation change (max was about 8500') either up or on the way down; she slept right through most of the driving even when Dave and I swallowed and yawned to clear our own ears and glanced nervously at our little companion.

At 7 weeks H and I met a friend and her two cute little ones for a short hike at Montebello (part of the Open Space Preserves up on Skyline.  We're feeling like we can do this!  Incidentally this friend was the one who recommended the fabulous Pikkolo carrier by Catbird Baby.

A few tips I've picked up along the way:
1) It helps enormously to do a short "top-off" feed before starting - it increases the likelihood of H napping for up to 3 hours on the trails (as long as her carrier keeps moving).

2) Where possible "wear" her - she stays asleep far better in the carrier than in the stroller

3) Be OK with disposable diapers for less fussing; we use cloth at home most of the time, but H is happier for longer treks with a disposable.  A good absorbing, somewhat eco friendlier option is the "Bambo Nature" line.

More great lessons are here as well:

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